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Odysseus Returns

It’s an age old problem We love to see him marching in parades Blue and brass glinting in the sun But when he steps out of the battle Relief slowly Gives way To frenetic pulsing The battle’s not done and Troy burns on He wrestles the demons that follow him home...

The Gulf

Across the expanse of sand she sees them All skin and squeals and feigned confidence Furtively she glances up Takes in their long hair, the skimpy swimsuits Tries not to tug at her t-shirt and board shorts Tucks a strand of her bob behind her ear Turns back to the...

On the Centurion

He was a centurion A soldier who had watched men die Hundreds of times His eyes became hard His mind learned to deflect To package it neatly in a box To keep it from following him home He had driven nails through flesh Many times, many times But the waiting was the...

If Robert Frost Had a Trampoline

Whose socks these are I think I know They come from houses down the row They will not see me standing here To gather socks, my back stooped low My little dog must think it odd Each time I sweep socks from the sod Between the house and trampoline The sun it sets, I...

On Rocks

{Linking up with Amber Haines at The Run Amuck to share concrete words, where we practice writing by communicating the abstract through concrete things…thank you, Amber!} At the edge of Flowing Springs The water hardly flows past the jumping boulder anymore Old...

Down to the Foundation

Forgive a poem from the past- I wrote this piece after we drove through the wreckage in Joplin after the tornado there. Some of these lines pounded through my head as we drove around this morning viewing storm damage. We made it through the storm fine, if a little...